Caught Up

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This post is a little different from my previous ones. I won’t post my illustrations but rather I’ll rant just a little about life and such.

After graduating from University I founded my own small business (graphic design studio). But I worked full-time starting from 2013 onward. Since 2013 I didn’t take a real rest where I could leave behind my responsibilities a little. I worked alone without even having an assistant which is constantly wearing me out. Yet, since I love my work I’m ready to handle everything myself as I always do.


For the longest time I almost create new designs daily. I worry a lot about my daily content especially on Instagram and Snapchat. Hearing constantly about having certain vision, theme, or look for your brand on social media made me overthink which forced me to create random stuff here and there. I’m a designer and I struggle with showing customers/people the kind of designing services I provide in my brand. I get asked a lot about my profession by individuals. The more I answer the more they ask hence I get even more confused about the kind of business I run.

For not less than 3 years I joined multiple online courses for Entrepreneurs which I learned a lot from. Yet, I still get confused on what to show and what to focus on. Working on everything from scratch is not easy at all. And having to do everything alone is another story. But given my circumstances, and the kind of network I built throughout the years, this is what I can give.


I’m taking it easy these days to focus on my upcoming projects and content. I don’t want to post random stuff here and there just for the sake of being active. One of the recent thoughts I had was to delete most of the old images I have on my Instagram feed but it’ll take days to get them all deleted. And that’s a waste of time. Instead, I’ll work on new content then start deleting any irrelevant content. I think this is a better choice. Also, instead of designing a small drawing of a leaf or a flower, I’ll draw a large scale painting and designs. But all of this will take a little bit more effort from my side which is fine. It’s my job in the end. So I’ll make sure I do a great work and put more effort on my work.

Along the way, I met new people. Some became friends and others acquaintances on social media. Sometimes I wonder why I encountered those people but I know for sure that it’s not a mere coincidence. Especially for those who reach out to you first and be the supportive people that you wish to have more of. I still find it a little bit strange especially the fact that I still don’t have the kind of exposure that lets people easily find me. Nowadays with my fashion illustrations I’m gaining too many followers but few years ago, I was struggling a lot. So for certain people to find me was shocking but amazing at the same time. It’s a great feeling to have people admiring your work and getting inspired by it.

One more thing I’m thinking of doing is a new online course on patterns. What do you think? I really am interested in knowing which do you love more. Are they my fashion illustrations or patterns?

It’s been a long time since I sat and worked on a real good pattern design. So I’ll make time during the day to practice my specialty.

Having said all of that, I’m really thankful for everyone who supported me since the first day I started all of this. I’m thankful for the advises and mentoring I received from professionals. I’m thankful for those of you who followed, read and liked my blog posts. I just want you to know that I read your comments all the time and I try my best to respond to them.

Thank you all so much and I wish you a happy and prosperous life!

Instagram: Anwaar.saleh

Snapchat: Artistakw